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Kurama 暗間
Place of Birth:
Place of Residence: France, Japan
Official Site
Kurama 暗間
“As a process, it was almost naturally simple accustoming myself to the idea of regarding thru a viewfinder every instant, even the non-intimate as an erotic photograph”
Kurama 暗間. Born in the mid-60s, lives between Europe and Asia, has degrees in printmaking and in Geology. His photographic practice is not only dedicated to social taboos and women’s sexual freedom, but visual beauty; subjects that he represents with erotica offering a clear dive into his powerful universe. He uses silver gelatin photography and serigraphy as printing methods.
Né au milieu des années 60, vit entre l’Europe et l’Asie, a des diplômes en sérigraphie et en géologie. Sa pratique photographique est non seulement dédiée aux tabous sociaux et à la liberté sexuelle des femmes, mais aussi à la beauté visuelle; des sujets qu’il représente avec de l’érotisme offrant une plongée claire dans son univers puissant. Il utilise la photographie argentique et la sérigraphie comme méthodes d’impression.
Solo & group exhibitions / Expositions personnelles et collectives
2024, RENCONTRES PHOTOGRAPHIQUES DE NEVES – invited by Diamantino Quintas, Minho Portugal
2024, in)(between record vol. 50 Kurama Silkscreens, in)(betweengallery Hayama Japan
2023 PhotoDoc Paris
2023 in)(between record vol. 48 Kurama Silver Gelatin Prints, Zushi gallery Zushi Japan
2022 Incadaques Photo Festival Espagne
2018, in)(between record vol. 38 The Basement Prints Kamesan, in)(betweengallery Paris
2016, in)(between record vol. 24 – TAKARA BUNE 宝船 NYC – The Back)(Room Prints NYC, SALON ZÜRCHER PHOTO, ZÜRCHER Gallery New York
2016, in)(between record vol. 23 – “Elephant Eros no Eros”, in)(between gallery Paris
2023, Koumori
2023, ErotiCANA
2023, CASCATA – Risography
2019, Forbidden Tones 2019, Silkscreen book
2018, Turtle-Kamesan カメサン
2016, Elephant -Zosan ゾウサン