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Place of Birth
Akershus, Norway, 1965
Place of Residence
Oslo Norway
International Center of Photography (ICP), New York, USA 1990-91
Oslo City Artist Prize 2018
Publication support, Norske Fagfotografers Fond 2018
Publication support, Fritt Ord 2018
International support, OCA 2016
Project support , Fritt Ord 2015
Project support, Fritt Ord 2014
Project support, NBK 2014
International support, OCA 2014
Solo Exhibitions/Solo expositions
Shoot Gallery, Oslo, Norway 2017
in)(between gallery, Paris, France 2016
Fotohof, Salzburg, Austria 2016
Shoot Gallery, Oslo, Norway 2015
Rockheim, Trondheim, Norway 2015
Galleri MAP, Oslo, Norway 2014
Centrum For Fotografi, Stockholm, Sweden 2014
Monthly, Nesodden, Norway 2014
Selected group exhibition/Expositions collectives
Bokkunst, Bomuldsfabrikken, Arendal, Norway 2016
Record vol. 20, in)(between, Paris, France 2016
Fotohof, Salzburg, Austria
Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany
Preus Museum, Norsk Museum for Fotografi, Horten, Norway
Private collections in Paris, New York, Oslo, Athens, Genova, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Vienna, Los Angeles
Fast Cities, Journal, Stockholm 2018
Country.Rock, Teknisk Industri, Oslo 2017
Norwegian Journal of Photography 3, Journal, Stockholm 2017
Tokyo 20002002, Shadowlab, Oslo 2016
Now I wanna be you dog, Media Immeditat, Marseille, France 2015
Girls just wanna have fun, Oslo 2014
Never mind the bollocks here’s Foto Nice, Oslo 2014
Stock, Stockholm 2014
Untitled.Cities., Oslo 2014
16 bilder, 1%ofONE Verlag, Hamburg, Germany 2012
Flying, Bodø 85/86, ParkArt, Bodø 2012
Black and Blue, Oslo 2011
M. in M., Mediat Immediat, Marseille 2011
Color F, Oslo 2010
Blå skog/Blue Forest, Oslo 2009
Jetlag and Alcohol, Oslo 2009
Ass time goes by, Oslo 2008
Norske Kunstfotografer 1970-2007, C.Brundtland 2007
Fast/Days, Porto, Portugal 2007
White Nights, Oslo 2006
Leira, Oslo 2006
Oslo F., Oslo 2006
Hot Rod, w/others, Gyldendal, Oslo 2004
Vortex w/Antoine D’Agata, Atlantica, Paris 2003
Days of Night, Museet for Samtidskunst, Oslo 2003
Toit du Monde, w/others, Lars Mueller Verlag, Switzerland 2002
Mythos St. Pauli, w/others, Edition Braus, Germany 2002
Fast City, Oslo 1999
Wonderland, w/others, Idea Books, Holland 1999