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Place of Birth: 1967, Yamaguchi prefecture Japan
Place of Residence: Yamaguchi
Junku NISHIMURA – Né en 1967 dans un village minier de la région de Yamaguchi à l’ouest du Japon. Il a étudié les relations latino-américaines à Kyoto. Après la fac, il a été DJ en club, il a travaillé en tant qu’ouvrier du bâtiment puis est devenu expert en ciment sur des chantiers de tunnels à travers le pays où il commença à photographier les sites sur lesquels il travaillait. Après y avoir travaillé pendant 18 ans, il quitte son emploi et se lance dans la photographie de manière professionnelle tout en voyageant à travers le monde. Il travaille actuellement en tant que photographe freelance et récolte les images sur l’expansion urbaine du Japon et ses habitants, révélant ses effets généralement cachés sur les gens et leurs villes.
Comme Junku l’explique: pour moi la nuit est le moment où les visages masqués des villes et des gens s’écaillent révélant alors leur véritable image. La nuit est un moment où les gens sont vulnérables, divaguent dans les rues et les bars, à la recherche d’autres personnes vulnérables comme eux, et la résonance de l’inerte, une lumière solitaire derrière une allée sombre, une chaise dans un coin de bar/restaurant où quelqu’un s’est assis un long moment, etc…
Junku NISHIMURA – Born in 1967 in a coal-mining village in Yamaguchi, western Japan, he studied Latin American affairs in Kyoto. After college performed as a club DJ, worked as a construction worker and in tunnels construction sites across the country as a concrete expert while he began photographing the places he worked. After working for 18 years he quit his job and took photography as his profession photographing while wandering around the world. He now works as a freelance photographer and documents the urban sprawl of Japan and the people, revealing its generally hidden effects on people and their towns.
As Junku explains: for me the night is the time when the masked faces of cities and people are peeled off reveling their true image. The night is a time when people are unguarded; I ramble in streets and bars, looking for the unguarded ones, and the resonance of the inert, a solitary light behind a dark alley; a chair in a corner of a bar/restaurant where someone has sat for long, etc. …
Solo exhibitions / Expositions personnelles
2015 unlike memories, in)(between rec. vol. 16, in)(between gallery. Paris
2015 SWEET HOME OSAKA at Gallery Maggot, Osaka
2014 Junku Nishimura at Optika audio-visual festival, Gijon, Spain
2014 Stranger in paradise at Yamayamado, Nagoya
2014 Stranger in paradise at Gallery Maggot, Osaka
2013 IF I HAD WINGS at Gallery Maggot, Osaka
2013 IPA CAMP MANILA workshop and slideshow, Pioneer Studio, Manila, Philippine
2013 IPA workshop at IPA Gallery, Singapore
2012 INVISIBLE PHOTOGRAPHER ASIA WORKSHOP at Hotel Hanzar, Bangkok, Thailand
2011 Slide show and lecture at photograph class in Barcelona university, Barcelona, Spain
2011 SO FAR, SO CLOSE(with Alfonso de Castro)at Can Baste, Barcelona, Spain
2011 Junku Exposições at São Paulo University, São Paulo,Brasil
2011 TSUNAMI, IF I HAD WINGS at São Carlos University, São Carlos, Brazil
2011 Junku Exposição at Japonique, São Paulo, Brazil
2011 MEET JUNKU at IPA gallery, Singapore
2010 BARCELONA 11TH PHOTOGRAGH FORUM (slide show / contest judge) at Can Baste, Barcelona, Spain
2009 TAIYO TO TSUKI NI SEOMUITE (TOTAL ECLIPSE) at Sottakudouji, Gifu, Japan
2009 JUNKU NISHIMURA EXHIBITION \’09 at Yamayama-do, Nagoya, Japan
2008 OTONA NO ONNA (MATURE WOMEN) at Yamayama-do, Nagoya, Japan
2007 OTONA NO ONNA (MATURE WOMEN) at Yamayama-do, Nagoya, Japan
2006 SEIZEN IEI (WOULD-BE FUNERAL PORTRAITS) at Yamayama-do, Nagoya, Japan
Group exhibitions / Expositions collectives
2016 TAKARA BUNE 宝船 NYC – The back)(room Prints NYC, in)(between rec vol 24. ZÜRCHER GALLERY SALON ZÜRCHER PHOTO, NY
2016 the back)(room prints “Takara Bune” in)(between record vol. 20, in)(between gallery Paris
2014 Burn My Eye video show at Map Festival, Toulouse, France
2014 Burn My Eye collective at Brighton Photo Biennial, Brighton, UK
2014 Street Parade/Burn My Eye collective at Paris Photo. Paris, France
2014 Invisible Photographer Asia Slide Show at Angkor Photo Festival, Siem Reap, Combodia
2014 STREET at Gulf Photo Plus, Dubai, UAE
2012 FACE at AREZZO&FOTOGRAFIA2012, Arezzo, Italy
2012 INSTANTES PRIVADES at FNAC, Madrid and other 5cities, Spain
2012 IMAGE OF TOHOKU at Brunei Gallery, SOAS university of London, UK
2011 IPA gallery opening exhibition at IPA, Singapore
2011 TOKYO PHOTO2011, Tokyo Midtown Hall, Tokyo, Japan
2011 DYAPORAMA/TSUNAMI, IF I HAD WINGS (slide show) at Li-Po, Tokyo, Japan
2011 IMAGE OF TOHOKU at Zen Photo Gallery. Tokyo, Japan
2008 ARLES PHOTO FESTIVAL (slide show), Arles, France
2015 unlike memories, in)(between gallery. Paris