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The Basement Prints
Record Vol. 43
Du 7 nov au 7 déc 2019
Vernissage le 9 novembre – 18:30-22:00
in)(between record vol. 43 (exposition groupée) fait partie de notre soirée habituelle “Japanese) (Night – Book night” organisée chaque novembre pendant le week-end de Paris Photo.
Pour la septième édition de Japanese)(Night nous avons invité 4 artistes de la galerie à exposer et à présenter leurs dernières publications.
The Basement Prints
in)(between record vol. 43
Nov 7THto Dec 7th2019
Opening reception Nov 9th at 18:30-22:00
in)(between record vol.43 (group show) is part of our long-established “Japanese)(Night – Books Night organized every November during the Paris Photo weekend.
For the seventh edition of Japanese) (Night we invited four of our gallery artists to exhibit and present their latest publications.

For his fourth exhibition at in)(between Koji and Luigi selected photographs from forgotten negatives. The complete selection became his latest publication “FARAWAY BOAT”, probably the last book with BOAT in the title.
This exhibition and publication commemorate a turning point on his personal life and his life as a photographer. At 59, 43 years since his first darkroom, 28 years after publishing his first book Seitaka-awadachiso on October 1991, for sure it has not been a short trip, with the same camera on hand, drifting as slow twin boats from one seaside town to another umimachi… with the moves of a lucky cat riding on horses while photographing cactuses, dragonflies, and bottles of beers in colourful faraway lands from his native Nogata and that Shinjuku in the 80s a colourful part of his beloved candy box, it has been a trip of 30 published books and numerous zines.
Koji says – I hope that through time these selected photographs once forgotten in time will reach as far away as possible, as I deem that they are photographs of drifting times as a ship that drifts Faraway in the flow of time.
For his fourth time at in)(between, Gilles brings TROVA, a series photographed in Cuba.
“Gilles Roudière belongs to the family of intuitive and sensitive photography, he does not tell the world as it is, but as he senses it.
Hence, in the images of Cuba that he offers us, there is neither testimonial, nor documentary intent.
Nothing is descriptive. No hints, no geographical or social studies as it is not his purpose.
– Caroline Benichou “
For his second exhibition at in)(between Chris shows a selection of colour photographs from his Golden Beach series 85/87 at Paros, Cyclades Greece. Photographs taken when he lived at the beach. With this exhibition we will launch his latest publication – GOLDEN BITCH – Softcover, Color and B & W, published by Chris Shaw Prints and in)(between gallery Paris France.
June 1985, after traveling to Athens without any premeditated destination besides going farther, he accidentally arrived to Paros and heard about a beach an hour from the ferry port by bus a place called golden beach or christiakti. – I stepped off the bus … the dust cleared… there was a winding path to an endless beach… there seemed to be windbreakers made of reeds and people living there, a cafe and a small guest house… people were naked…I heard the word MALAKA. there was the Iliad and my personal odyssey amongst retsina, ouzo and metaxa cyclades. I sold my return flight ticket I lived on the beach for six weeks then hitchhiked home across Europe….
For his fourth time at in)(between we will show an excerpt from his last exhibition with us last September, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Morten’s first book “FAST CITY” (Self-published November 1999) and the launch of the second edition in Paris (published by Forlaget Fotografi May 2019)
FAST CITY has become a benchmark on photography, it was one of the first books to include colour photographs with black and white ones – that is something that after 20 years of its first edition photographers still try to implement in their books. This book is more than what is known as American City-Noir and Japanese contrasted night street photography and Morten’s style of photography keeps influencing photographers from all over.